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Quiz: Should I Change Careers?

Many professionals feel uncertain about their career decisions or direction at one point or another. The big question many of us face: Should you change careers? Take our quick, 10 question quiz and see for yourself!

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and begin your career exploration?

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How to Find the Right Career for You

Finding the right career for you is oftentimes a journey. At WOKEN, we call this journey career path exploration. Career path exploration is a process that is distinct from the job search, including a series of steps of practical learning and self-reflection in order to compare, contrast, and clarify which career path you are confident in pursuing. This process was developed with several foundational underpinnings: open-ended questioning, design thinking, rapid learning and iterating.

The Impact of Disengagement at Work

There are many statistics that show being engaged in your work makes you happier and more successful, but the bottom line is that you know how it feels to be disengaged at work. It can impact your mindset, your daily life, your happiness, your relationships, your wellbeing, and your overall professional potential.